Interview Compliance Framework

Draft V 8.3.5

Updated June 6, 2023
Author: VidCruiter Inc
To see full details of the compliance framework, please contact

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Legal and Organizational Compliance

Chapter 3: Ethical Conduct

Chapter 4: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility

Chapter 5: Understanding Structured Interviews

Chapter 6: Implementing Structured Interview Process

Chapter 7: Interview Preparation and Documentation

Chapter 8: Building a Diverse Interview Panel

Chapter 9: Conducting the Interview Process

Chapter 10: Post Interview Process and Procedures

Chapter 11: Monitoring and Enforcement

Chapter 12: Automation and Artificial Intelligence

Chapter 13: The Role of the Interview Compliance Officer

Chapter 14: Business Results of Implementing Interview Compliance

Chapter 15: Conclusion

For more information on interview compliance, see the resources below:

The United Kingdom
For a summary of the Anti-Discrimination Law in the United Kingdom: https://www.equalityhumanrights .com/en/equality-act/equality-act-2010.
For a summary of the Employment Laws and Regulations in the United Kingdom:
The Information Commissioner’s Office for UK GDPR and DPA guidance and resources:
For additional resources on rights and responsibilities for employers and prospective employees: